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Planting the Seed

root SUP & Fitness Blog

Vanilla Smoothie Bowl

I swear this bowl tastes like such a treat. It can be used for a nutrient packed breakfast but also doubles as an alternative when the ice cream monster comes calling....begging you to feed it! I love to make it mid-afternoon though when my energy starts to drop and I dream of a grown up nap but I know I have to rally to get us through all the evening sports and activities. It'd like a magical potion to give me the boost to make it through whatever else the day has in store for me.

If you just can not wait to try this yourself, here's what you need:


3/4 cup unsweetened almond milk

1/2 medium banana (frozen)

1/2 cup crushed ice

1 scoop vanilla protein powder of choice

1/2 tsp raw honey


Place all the ingredients into a blender and pulse until it reaches the desired consistency. It will be a bit thick because you want to be able to eat it with a spoon.

To make it look pretty and add a little extra texture you can top it with 1/2 cup of fresh berries, 1 TBSP oats, 1 TBSP slivered almonds or chopped pecans or a sprinkle of unsweetened coconut flakes.

I can't make this for myself without the kids begging at the counter for a taste before I have even scooped it out into my bowl, so I usually end up making a double batch and splitting it between all 5 of us. They just love deciding what to put on top and then it feels like a party. It's like for 10 minutes I'm the cool mom that lets them have 'ice cream' for an afternoon snack.

Feel free to take this basic recipe and experiment with it! Try using different fruits or adding 1 tsp of different flavors and seeing what funa dn delicious combinations you can come up with!

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